
A module is a course of study designed for the user to acquire basic intellectual tools for navigating a digital environment or basic proficiency with a digital tool or digital literacy concept within a few hours. Each module is implementable in faculty research and/or existing and new courses. The intent is for each module to stand alone and be accessed online, enabling users (other faculty or learners) to access the content in any sequence and pace.

The goal of each module is to provide an easy way for faculty to 1) share and showcase their Digital Humanities research and pedagogy with others, and 2) access and implement new lessons into their research and pedagogy. The goal of the collective module resource is to provide support and encouragement, in an easy and effective manner, for faculty to innovate in their teaching and research by learning from and with each other. Taken together, our digital humanities / digital literacy modules will help advance our Digital Humanities Initiative / “Digital Humanities and Global Diversity” Area of Excellence by helping to 1) build capacity for DH on campus; 2) bridge scholarship and teaching; and 3) empower faculty, staff, and students to engage in digital work. This work will enable us to explore the uneven impact and costs of the digital turn, and apply our knowledge and skills towards developing technology that can improve human outcomes across disparate populations.

While each module is independently created, each one aspires to meet the guiding principles outlined in our Module Creation Framework. The Framework was designed with the intention of creating an overall coherence for the modules. While each is a stand-alone entity, all speak to broader issues related to Digital Humanities, digital literacy, and/or digital studies.

These modules are being created by members of the Digital Humanities Initiative at San Diego State University. Learn more.